PA-NJ TACF Newsletters & Fact Sheets

Read our most recent Chapter newsletter here: 

The Chestnut Tree Spring 2024

Please note: Links in the newsletter regarding the Fall Meeting may be broken please visit our event page.

Visit the PA-NJ Chapter Newsletter Archive to review a complete collection of “The Chestnut Tree” (1995 to present). Limited Index of newsletters (Many thanks to Vicki Brownell)

Review all of the TACF Chapter Newsletters, including ours, on the Penn State Chestnut Growers Website.

PA-TACF Fact Sheets (Click on the links to view or download these fact sheets)

   Direct Seeding Chestnuts

  Growing Chestnuts from Seeds to Seedlings

  Chestnut Harvest & Storage

  Eating Chestnuts

More Fact Sheets

TACF Factsheets

Leaf Identification Instructions

Ambrosia Beetle
Chestnut Blight Progression: Pennsylvania Commission (Map)
Chestnuts and Wildlife(pdf)

CMS Generation Chart (pdf)
Outlines steps for the cytoplasmic male sterility chestnut program

Controlled Pollination(pdf)
Growing Chestnuts(pdf)

PA Quick Facts (pdf)

My Ash Trees are Dying 2016 Handout from Northern Tier Hardwood Association and Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture: Hardwoods Development Council