Plant a Tree

At this time, The American Chestnut Foundation (TACF) does not sell seeds or seedlings to the general public. We do however distribute limited numbers of seeds to members and support educational and research projects within our Chapter. Membership in TACF continues to be the best way to ensure you will be among the first to get a blight-resistant tree when it becomes available. Join the PA/NJ Chapter today!

TACF Chestnut Chat / March 17, 2022 / How to Obtain, Grow, and Manage American Chestnuts
Member Opportunities

TACF and Advance Seed Nuts: The national office of TACF distributes a limited number of advanced seed nuts to sponsor level members each spring. Sponsor-level memberships should be purchased by the end of the previous year.  TACF also rewards loyal members with advanced seed nuts. If you have maintained your regular membership for 10 or more years you can call the national office at (828) 281-0047, to request your loyalty nuts. Please note that resistance is not guaranteed in these hybrid seeds. To learn more about seed level memberships please visit the website of the national office of TACF:

TACF and native Bare Root Seedlings: While supplies last, TACF offers pure native seedlings for sale in the winter. This offer to members typically runs out within a day so call TACF to make sure you are on the email list to receive a notification (828) 281-0047.

PA/NJ Chapter and Pure Native Seeds:  If seed supplies permit our Chapter offers pure American chestnut seeds to members on an annual basis, typically following our Spring Meeting in March or April. The quantities available depend on the annual harvest.

Education and Research Purposes

Ceremonial Plantings: This program is temporarily on hold. You may still apply but material and staff limitations mean that no requests will be fulfilled this year. Look for updates later in 2024. The PA/NJ Chapter sometimes provides seeds/seedlings for educational purposes, referred to as ceremonial plantings. Ceremonial plantings are limited to 5 to 10 restoration nuts/seedlings in public spaces. To learn more about the criteria and application process please email our office at

Planting an orchard: If you are interested in planting an orchard for our breeding program, please contact our Director of Restoration at TACF, Sara Fitzsimmons, at 814-863-7192 or